Crescent City Media Group
Redistricting Advocacy & Education Initiative
Nearly a century and a half ago demographers across the US began to draw the first archetypes of Majority-minority districts. These districts were established after the first post slavery census and redistricting process (1870-1871). The Pre Redistricting Lab Project is rooted in that history and provides for actions to protect long standing Majority-minority districts and provide technical support for the development and implementation of fair maps.
As a result of Shelby v Holder (2013), the upcoming Census and Redistricting process will be the first in over 50 years without pre clearance, once protected by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. We must take the opportunity to proactively engage minority officials and residents to ensure an equitable process in 2021.
Crescent City Media Group/Center for Civic Action along side our partner CensusChannel, LLC will provide GIS/Demography trainings, GIS technical support and consultation to community stakeholders, advocates and public officials in Louisiana and jurisdictions across the US South. The Redistricting Lab will commence on January 30, 2021 through February, 2022. To Sign up for our Redistricting Lab Please Contact
Post Session - Snapshot Analysis
Our Redistricting Lab provides technical support for cohort members to acquire GIS software. These future demographers will have the tools and skills to produce maps now and potentially for the next Redistricting cycle
"Placing the Power to MAP in the Hands of the PEOPLE"